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Digital Communication

In today's digital world, technology is becoming increasingly important in the field of education as well. Digital communications and audiovisual learning can be powerful tools for teachers that can help improve learning outcomes, engage students, and make learning more interesting and engaging.

Virtual reality (VR) is one of the newest and most exciting technologies that can be used in education. VR allows students to immerse themselves in different situations and explore different places that would otherwise be inaccessible to them. This can be especially useful for learning complex concepts or topics that are difficult to understand through traditional learning methods.

How can audiovisual learning in virtual reality help teachers?

Audio-visual training greatly helps in the work of teachers. First of all, this teaching approach increases student engagement. VR is a fun and engaging way to spark curiosity and engagement in them.

Research shows that virtual technologies also help improve learning outcomes. This is because VR allows students to experience information in a more engaging and interactive way. In addition to the many advantages of learning in VR, we can add the undeniable fact that new digital learning methods provide new learning opportunities that would not be possible with traditional methods. Today, more than ever, it is necessary to identify ways and methods that can help teachers improve their digital literacy skills.

Some examples of research conducted on VR

  • A 2017 study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology found that students who used virtual reality to learn about the human body scored better on a biology exam than students who used traditional learning methods.

Source: Bao, L., & Bower, G. H. (2017). Virtual reality for learning human anatomy: A comparison of learning outcomes with traditional methods. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(3), 416-429.

  • Another study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology concluded that VR has the potential to facilitate ecologically valid experiments that examine individuals' reactions to experiences of racism and discrimination in real time. Racism and discrimination lead to racial and ethnic health disparities. Virtual reality can be used in experimental studies to improve the ecological validity of research on the health effects of racism and discrimination-related experiences, Advancing knowledge on the health consequences of discrimination: The potential of virtual reality states. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. We know that one of the EU's main priorities is tackling discrimination and racism, including in school.

  • A 2019 study published in the Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition found that students who used virtual reality to learn new languages had better retention than students who used traditional methods on a training.

Source: Hung, C.-F., & Li, C.-C. (2019). The effects of virtual reality on foreign language learning: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 8(3), 317-331

  • A 2020 study published in the Journal of Computers in Education found that students who used virtual reality to learn math scored better on a math exam than students who used traditional learning methods.

Source: Chen, S.-Y., Chang, K.-E., & Wang, C.-Y. (2020). The effects of virtual reality on mathematics learning: A meta-analysis. Journal of Computers in Education, 7(3), 345-370.

How can teachers use VR in the classroom?

To be successfully implemented in education, the use of VR requires adequate resources, teacher training and support from the learning community. Despite these challenges, the potential of virtual reality to improve education and student engagement is enormous and continues to grow.

There are many different ways teachers can use VR in the classroom.

  • VR can be used to simulate real-world situations or provide access to information that would otherwise be unavailable to students. For example, VR can be used to study the human body, simulate natural disasters, or visit historical sites.

  • VR can be used to simulate real-world situations or provide access to information that would otherwise be unavailable to students. For example, VR can be used to study the human body, simulate natural disasters, or visit historical sites.

  • VR can be used to create interactive learning materials that are more engaging and fun for students. For example, VR can be used to create virtual museums, to present historical events, or to create educational games.

What are the challenges to using VR in education?

While VR has many potential benefits for education, there are also some challenges that need to be overcome. Here are some of them:


VR hardware, including high-quality headsets and virtual glasses, is often relatively expensive. Content may also incur additional costs. This financial barrier can limit schools and students' access to this technology. Addressing this challenge requires investment in education and the development of more budget-friendly VR solutions and accessible projects


Not all schools and students have access to VR technology. Differences in financial opportunities between different educational institutions and even between students can create inequality in learning. One of the main challenges is to ensure that this innovation spreads evenly and becomes available to all.


Teachers should be trained on how to use VR in the classroom. Integrating this technology into the learning process requires specific skills and knowledge. Teacher training can be time-consuming and require financial resources. Systematic training and support should be provided for educators to effectively implement VR in the learning process.

Content and pedagogy

Creating educational content for VR requires the development of new pedagogical models and methods. Not all learning content is easily adapted to virtual reality, and teachers must learn how to create and integrate content that is suitable for VR and the modern digital technologies entering education.

Ethical and social issues

The use of VR in education raises new ethical and social questions. How is student personal information protected? What is the impact of students' prolonged exposure to virtual environments? These issues require serious consideration and regulation.

VR is not a panacea for improving learning. It is important that VR is used appropriately and combined with other learning methods.

Tips for teachers who want to use VR in the classroom:

  • Choose VR content that is appropriate for the age and skill level of the students.

  • Clearly define lesson objectives before using VR. Before implementing VR in the lesson, determine exactly what you want to achieve with this method. Structure the lesson around the objectives and make sure students know what to expect.

  • Organize the classroom so that students can move freely and use VR without disturbing others. Move technical equipment and make sure everything works reliably.

  • Provide opportunities for students to share their experiences with others. This can include discussion, making projects or simply sharing personal impressions. This type of reflection helps students better absorb the material and engage with the lesson.

Training teachers to use virtual reality (VR) in the classroom is a key step in the successful implementation of this technology in education.

Methods and strategies

School training programs

We and some schools and educational institutions offer special training programs for teachers who wish to learn how to use VR. These programs include training courses, seminars and workshops where teachers can learn the basics of VR and how to integrate this technology into the learning process.

Online resources and courses

Teachers can use online resources and courses for self-study. This includes video lessons, teaching materials and discussion forums where teachers can ask questions and share experiences.

Collaboration with VR specialists

VR specialists and developers can provide teachers with guidance and advice. This kind of hands-on learning can be very useful as teachers can learn how to create their own VR content and integrate it into their lessons.

Testing and experimentation

The best way to learn how to use VR is through practice. Teachers can test different VR applications and scenarios in the classroom to see what works best for them and their students.


It is important that teachers benefit from mentoring from experienced colleagues or specialists in the field of VR education. This approach can accelerate learning and lead to faster implementation of VR in the classroom.

Use of educational platforms and tools

There are educational platforms and tools (eg that offer training and resources for teachers focused on the use of VR. In the system, you can create author's educational content in different formats and with different interactive functionalities. If you are a teacher, you need to register as a teacher and set up your teacher profile. You then have the opportunity to create lessons and first scenes in IEDU360.EU. You can edit your lessons, rearrange scenes, and create exercises. Users of the platform have the opportunity to solve tests, check test results, create video lessons, and work in a group. These tools provide structured lessons and exercises for teachers and students.

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