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Motivation for learning, independent projects and creativity

VR is still a relatively new technology, but it has the potential to revolutionize the way teaching and learning are done. Used appropriately, VR and other new technologies can help primary/secondary school pupils develop their skills and achieve greater success in school and in life, developing their learning and creativity skills through their use. New technologies can be a powerful tool to motivate learning by providing students with opportunities for independent learning and creativity to create interactive and engaging learning experiences.

Motivation is a key factor for success in school. Primary/secondary school pupils who are motivated are more likely to engage in the learning process, absorb knowledge and achieve high results. It is important to note that today more than ever, it is necessary for primary/secondary school pupils, students and teachers to understand the need to master new digital skills and technologies. We simply live in the era of digitization and if we are not competent in these areas, we cannot expect realization and success in learning and work.

(VR), (AR), (MR) and education

Augmented Reality (XR) is a combination of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). These technologies are used for much more than gamification. In fact, many XR applications developed today are used in various sectors, including manufacturing and construction, cultural heritage, tourism, training and education, healthcare, advertising, work processes, industrial processes, entertainment, online commerce and construction.

According to a study conducted by Ecorys (a company specializing in providing research and consulting services, monitoring and evaluation, program management and communication services) and the XR Association (XRA), the trade association representing the virtual, augmented and mixed reality industries, the demand for talent pool in the field of XR is set to grow – both technical and creative skills will be in high demand. That is why education through new technologies is key to the development of key skills and competencies among schoolchildren and students, as well as those working in various positions for whom it is important to enrich their knowledge and digital skills.

The European Commission's Green Deal is another area of potential use for XR applications. In the future, XR applications can be used to create virtual spaces where people can meet and work in a climate-neutral society.

(VR) in schools in Europe

According to a European Commission study published in 2022, the use of virtual reality (VR) in schools in Europe is growing rapidly. The survey was conducted among teachers and principals of schools in 27 member states of the European Union. It was conducted through an online survey in which more than 12,000 teachers and school principals participated. The survey investigated the use of VR in schools in Europe in the period 2020-2022.

The results are interesting:

  • 42% of schools in Europe use VR in some form.

  • 22% of schools in Europe use VR regularly.

  • The most popular applications of VR in schools are in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The study found that teachers who use VR in the classroom tend to think that VR is an effective learning tool. They report that VR helps students engage with the learning process, remember information, and develop skills.

Here are some concrete examples of the use of VR in schools in Europe:

  • Students in Germany use VR to visit historical sites such as the Berlin Wall or the Roman Coliseum.

  • Students in France are using VR to learn about the human body or to experiment with natural phenomena.

  • Students in Spain are using VR to prepare for real work situations, such as working in a hospital or in the police force.

Overall, the use of VR in schools in Europe is still in its infancy, but has the potential to become a powerful learning tool. Considerable efforts should be made to promote digital skills in both learners and teachers, as well as those working in various business sectors.

2023 State of the Digital Decade Report

The first report (2023 Report on the state of the Digital Decade) takes stock of the EU's progress towards a successful digital transformation as set out in the 2030 Digital Decade Policy Agenda.

Only 8% of the Bulgarian population has above basic digital skills. Bulgaria is the country in the EU with the highest share of women working as ICT specialists (28.9% compared to the EU average of 18.9%). The share of ICT graduates in the country is 4.9%, above the EU average of 4.2%. We see how much work is needed to improve people's digital skills so that they can more easily integrate into society and the new challenges it imposes. This is especially important in the field of education - teachers and professors must be prepared and digitally competent in the owl area.

In Austria, 63% of the population has at least basic digital skills, which is significantly higher than the EU average of 54% for this indicator. However, there is room for improvement on the 2030 target of at least 80% of the population reaching a basic level of digital skills. Upskilling the workforce in terms of digital skills would also contribute to addressing the significant shortage of skilled workers ('Fachkräftemangel'). Digital literacy is essential for people to participate in modern life.

In Belgium, nearly half of the population lacks basic digital equipment and skills. The level of basic digital skills in Belgium is the EU average of 54%, but well below the Digital Decade target of 80%.


Learning can be made interesting and engaging by using interactive activities, games and other methods to engage students.

Educators need to consider the individual interests and needs of students, offer a variety of learning materials and activities to suit their different learning styles and interests.

In addition to providing opportunities for independent learning and creativity, teachers will allow students to explore topics of interest and develop their own ideas. Of course, it is important that teachers provide support and encouragement. A praise to the students for their progress will motivate them and help them to overcome the challenges.

Here are some specific examples of how to motivate students:

  • Use virtual reality (VR) and other new technologies to create interactive and engaging learning experiences.

  • Allow students to choose from a variety of learning materials and activities that match their interests.

  • Give students the opportunity to work on projects that have real meaning for them.

  • Create a learning community where students can interact with others and share ideas. With careful planning and execution, you can create a motivating learning environment that helps students reach their full potential.

  • Make students feel important. Help them see how what they are learning relates to their lives and the world around them.

  • Create a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Students are more likely to engage in the learning process when they feel comfortable and supported.

  • Be patient and understanding. Not every student is motivated in the same way. Be prepared to adapt your approach to meet individual student needs.


One area where VR can be particularly helpful is the development of creativity. VR allows students to explore new ideas and experiment with different possibilities. This can help students think more creatively and develop new problem-solving skills.

Ways VR can be used to develop students' creativity

  • Using VR to create virtual workshops where students can experiment with different materials and techniques. This can help students develop their creative skills in fields such as art, design and engineering.

  • Using VR to simulate real worlds that students can explore. This can help students develop their creativity by allowing them to come up with new ways to interact with the world around them.

  • Using VR to create interactive stories that students can participate in. This can help students develop their creativity by allowing them to come up with new ways of telling stories.

In addition to developing creativity, VR can also be used to improve student performance. VR can help students engage with the learning process and remember information better.

According to a study by the European Commission, the use of VR in schools can lead to improvements in student performance in a variety of areas, including math, science and reading.

How VR can be used by students

  • Using VR to provide realistic learning experiences that can help students better understand complex concepts.

  • Using VR to deliver personalized learning that is adapted to individual student needs.

  • Using VR to provide interactive exercises that can help students practice their skills.

To take full advantage of the potential of VR in education, teachers must be qualified and prepared to use this technology.

Tips for teachers

Here are some tips for teachers who want to use VR in the classroom:

Learn the basics of VR

Before you start using VR in the classroom, it is important to learn about the basics of this technology. This will help you choose appropriate content and use VR safely and effectively.

Develop your teaching skills

VR can be a powerful learning tool, but it's important to know how to use it effectively. Develop your teaching skills so you can use VR to promote student learning and development.

Create a community of support

Connect with other teachers using VR in the classroom. This can help you share ideas and get support from other people who are familiar with this technology.

Virtual reality is a new and exciting technology that has the potential to revolutionize education. By preparing to use VR in the classroom, you can help your students develop their skills and knowledge in new and more engaging ways.

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